Monday, August 24, 2009

NYTimes Magazine: Why Women's Rights Are the Cause of Our Time

If you have not read the Aug. 23rd New York Times Sunday Magazine about Women's Rights, click this link now and read it:

I've worked in the marketing to women business for many years and read avidly about issues affecting women. But, after reading the series if articles in the NYT Magazine yesterday (which I read cover to cover), I was reminded of the many, serious issues facing women worldwide and of my responsibility as a woman to help other women become educated and succeed in business, as well as in life.

There are tips in the articles about how we can support important causes and organizations and, over time,I have supported many of them. I am particularly proud of Ketchum's efforts to support an organization called Room to Read,, whose mission is to educate girls. Room to Read works with local villages in many developing countries to establish schools, libraries and do local language publishing with an emphasis on girls' education.

Please join me in considering, and then acting upon, things we can all do to help, like providing microfunding for women trying to start businesses in developing countries through, sponsoring a girl or woman through, donating to Room to Read at or some other action that will positively impact women globally.

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